Ramblings of a Young Aussie Writer

A writer lost in her own imagination

Twilight – Stephenie Meyer 5 Star Book Review — March 29, 2015

Twilight – Stephenie Meyer 5 Star Book Review


Stephenie Meyer

5 Star Review

Finally I got around to reading Twilight (I know I’m only years late). Although a lot of people joke about both the books and movies, I personally found that it was well deserving of the fame it has gotten.

Positives I was shocked that I actually adored this book. The movies have certainly not done the books justice (although that is the case for most book – film conversions). Edward was a fantastic character and had a real sense of humour which the movie seemed to exclude. Stephenie’s writing style was enrapturing and really got you lost in her words.

NegativesAt one part in the book the timeline seemed to be off but apart from that I really didn’t find any other notable faults.

Overall The movies were great but the books are fantastic so if you’ve seen the movies then you definitely NEED to read the books. I would recommended these books to anyone. 5 Star Writing!


The One by Kiera Cass — January 30, 2015

The One by Kiera Cass

The One

Kiera Cass

The One Kiera Cass COver

5 Star Review

This book is just wow! Interrupting your reading of this book by ‘living your life’ is not an option. It’s one of those books that you clear your schedule, curl up and read it until you finish it. You’ll thank me for the warning once you’ve finished it.

PositivesThankfully this book was as fantastic as the first book if not better. From the action (which I felt the first two books were lacking a bit in that area) to the emotional turmoil and of course the love, this book was a perfect ending to the story. I enjoyed the action scenes and was on the edge of my seat so to speak most of the way through. The change of scenery for a large part of it was good to shake things up. There was a lot of sadness in this book and as with most endings there were deaths but the ending made it all worth the sadness. There were a lot of great unexpected twists and turns added in. This book brought out the best in all of the characters.

NegativesThroughout the series Americas brother Kota was briefly mentioned but unfortunately he didn’t seem well developed and his part in the story was flimsy. America’s indecisiveness and hesitation was irritating but not as bad as the second book. I was forced to stop reading about 20 pages from the end (silly life getting in the way of reading) and I was very annoyed. I couldn’t believe that Kiera Cass had written it like that. How could she? I was ready to throw my poor ipad in frustration and wanted to refuse to finish it but it ate away at me. I needed to know what those last 20 pages said. As soon as I could, I finished the book. I must’ve stopped reading at the worst possible time. Literally the next page it started to get better again and went on to end fantastically.

OverallI just loved this book. The annoying parts were few and far between. The ending is wow. I won’t give anything away but this is one series that everyone should read. 5 out of 5 Stars!

BLURBThe time has come for one winner to be crowned.

When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon’s heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she’ll have to fight for the future she wants. 

The Selection – Kiera Cass 5 Star Review — January 23, 2015

The Selection – Kiera Cass 5 Star Review

5 Star Review

 The Selection Kiera Cass

I picked up this book because of course the cover was gorgeous, it rated high on Goodreads and because the concept seemed different. I’m very, VERY glad I did.

Positives I realised as soon as I finished the book that a lot of the reason why I loved this book was because of Kiera Cass’s writing style. It was beautiful to read. No awkward sentences, no staggered paragraphs, it just flowed along majestically. Kiera Cass is obviously a very talented writer. Apart from the writing style, the storyline was fresh and new. Oh how I loved America. She’s a great character that has a quirky personality yet strong in many ways. Each scene was written to the point where you were completely engulfed in their world, (yes I did smile like an idiot and laugh out loud at some things). Both Aspen and Maxon were well developed characters that had strong motives and were responsible young men. Their actions were logical and suited their personalities perfectly. I really enjoyed the strong characters that stayed true to their natures.

Negatives There were hardly any negatives in this book. The one major thing for me was that I felt that the climax lacked a little. I was reading it and looking at the page numbers wondering when I’d get into the real action but it didn’t really evolve into anything memorable. Nevertheless the storyline was still enthralling and exciting. The only other thing was the lack of description for the appearance of the character’s sometimes. When America was looking into Maxon’s eyes I wanted to image that but I didn’t remember reading what colour his eyes were.

Overall­For those who love a good love story (or love triangle) this is a must read. It’s different, it’s enthralling, it’s beautifully written, it’s captivating and it should be on the top of your book list. Thankfully the next two books in the series have been released so I can move straight on to number 2 – The Elite. Really looking forward to delving into that book and I have high expectations for it.


For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself–and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.

Happy Reading Everyone xo

Archipelago by Mati Raine Review 5 stars! — March 18, 2014

Archipelago by Mati Raine Review 5 stars!

I was lucky enough to read Archipelago by Mati Raine as a beta reader and I have to say that I absolutely loved it! This book is definitely a 5 star book and I would recommended it to every age group. The cover is beautiful and intriguing which is always a great start.

It starts with a female protagonist – Lily who develops wings and because of that she has lived an extremely sheltered life. Lily seemed to be a bit of a weak character in the sense that she was scared of everything but you have to remind yourself with an up bringing such as the one she has had, wouldn’t you be? Throughout the book Lily transforms into a great strong character who you really love and are rooting for. My favourite character though would have to be one of the twins – Wyvr (love the spelling too). He and his twin are Australian and being an Aussie myself well, it’s always great to find that in a book. The love life of Lily is as difficult and confusing as any teenage girl’s. I won’t spoil is but when Lily gets her heart broken it’s devastating but very relatable. I won’t lie this book brought me to tears a few times. To me when a book can have that kind of effect on me it means that it’s so well written and draws me in so much that I care enough about the well being of the characters enough to be moved emotionally.

With all the action in this book I think it is definitely one of those books that a reader would benefit more from if they read it more than once. It’s something that I plan on doing before the second book is released. I’m desperately hoping that I don’t have to wait too long to get my hands on the second book. I was left badly wanting to find out which boy Lily ends up getting with and needing to know what happens next. I can hardly fault this book and I think it is the kind of book that should go far.

This is currently my favourite book and I assume it will only be surpassed by the next book (no pressure of anything Mati haha).

I will be buying a print version (wish it was hardback as it’s such a lovely looking book) so I can always have a copy on my book shelf. It’s cheap enough that you really can’t go wrong with it. 

Congratulations Mati on such a wonderful piece of writing and thank you for letting me be your beta reader, I was honoured.

Archipelago cover